Daily Archives: December 13, 2011

Faith of a Mustard Seed

When my closet gets cluttered I know I am off-balance even if I feel fine.  We all know our “thing” that alerts us of that internal “uh oh” adjustment needed moment.  My goal was to write (and post) to the WordPress blog challenge everyday but life is a bit unbelievable lately…..which seems to be the new and improved awesome.  Yet a strange theme in my life that I am in shock and awe over at the same time….almost waiting for the bottom “this is too good to be true” to “goodness falling out of the sky” syndrome. I am writing a lot because that’s how I process my life, but too shy about posting for some odd reason.  But why?   Because I never “expected” this new career situation to happen, but it is.

I absorbed a quote today in my Empowered Voyage workshop that shook my core and will continue to shiver out of each pore until it’s ironed out in my soul.

“You get what you EXPECT, not what you WANT.” by Pat Mussiex.

At first glance, no big whoop.  Wants and expectations line up like toy soldiers right?  But when I dug in deeper asked myself the difference it got scary.   The honest and not so fun answers I came up with aren’t what I am trying to create in my life but makes sense knowing why reality is what is it.  Example:  I want to be successfully in my career but I always expect the bottom to fall out at the same time.   Example: I want to be in love and be loved but expect to be hurt by men at the same time… You get the picture.  ACK!  And so I always will be if I don’t change my mind and expectations on these matters!  I have gotten 100% of what I “expect”…100% disappointment every time!  Not what I want, but exactly what I expected.  WOW.  Great life lessons in failures, Yes. But desired or wanted results = NO.  What the what?  Same line of questioning goes for every class if I am really honest with myself.  No wonder I hate being honest with myself and writing this less than easy because now I have to own it.  I hope it helps others change the minds expectations vs. wants in order to create a wonderful life of peace, harmony, love, workability and ultimately success in every compartement. 🙂

For the positive, faithful, hopeful, encouraging person I think I am (and want to be), the expectations I have of myself in the world I’ve created is quite bleak and so are my results.   The math doesn’t lie…no wonder I hate math.   I cannot hide from this any more and the ones who know me best will say “AMEN SISTAH!”

I challenge you to think about your Desires vs. Expectations too.  I never knew it’s power over me until today so I am paying it forward if it free’s you’re not so fruitful thinking up too!?   The bible talks about it all over the place…I just never put 2+2 together because I hate math.   Jesus said in Mark 11:24, “Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe (fully expect) you receive them and you shall have them.” 

What is it that you want and desire?  What do you expect will happen?  Whatever dreams you have for your life, they will always include abundance and prosperity, because God is an abundant God. He wants us to experience abundance and prosperity in our health, our relationships, and our finances. Every area of our life!  Why do we stop it?  He wants us to be happy and enjoy our life to its fullest because it is a gift.

A mustard seed is very, very tiny.  But once planted, it grows into a plant large enough to provide a valuable food and shelter for animals. Jesus said a little faith can have incredible results.  We don’t need a lot of faith – just as much as a mustard seed – to provoke great results.  God will not ask us to do more than we can. He wants us to be willing, show up, unsure, but just willing to get in the game of life. He’ll provide the rest.

It’s our job to pay attention to the path lighting up in front of us.  Doors closing, windows opening, where we are swimming upstream and terribly struggling is usually not where we need to be.  The path I am on might not make sense right now, but understanding will ebb and flow in naturally when I surrender to floating with the current rather than fighting against it like I tend to do.   I am really tuning in and paying close attention at what is showing up in my life and why so I can challenge my thoughts and expectations.

I am so moved and encouraged by whats happening in my life, I can hardly wait to post this experience in “hindsight” after I know what the hell is going on!  God is a super funny comedian, I know that’s for certain!  My new daily prayer will go something like this.  God, I fully expect to be successful in every part of my life, love and career.  And so that’s that!  Amen.   Now… back to cleaning up my closet in order to create my virtual balance in the universe!