Daily Archives: January 16, 2017


15941328_1365501553522840_3212721017848608770_nIf you are human, life will eventually disappoint you thanks to expectations.  

Whether its a lost love, a best friend lies to you, the boss steals your idea, that dream interview flops, or the business idea never takes off… Life is full of experiences that we set expectations around that define the level of our happiness in advance. It’s not fun. There is a much better way to live.

Regardless of my success and failures, and there are many, I SILLL keep trying this life experiment as if I can change its mind or outcome. So far this theory is sadly true for me and many I watch in the process.

Wisdom has taught me to own & create my own joy.

By taking positive actions for myself, that I never really focused on in early years; this naturally creates healthy boundaries with others that protects my heart, mind and spirit.

943942_10208642402046606_1469603517632753872_nWhen happiness does not depend on others actions or reactions, and is not dependent the the outcome of the situation either way it turns out you are FREE!

As always, I have learned the hard way that  no matter what the outcome is…it truly is always for the greatest good even if its disappointing in the moment is the magic of not having expectations.

Trust the how’s & why’s in life to the unknown in a kid-like magical wonderment!  Nothing has to make sense to make life more fun does it?  It’s actually really fun to be happily surprised with outcomes when you do more to create joy, and expect less from others to do it for you.  

Cheers to expecting nothing at all and being happy with it!