Tag Archives: Garsenda Countess of Forcalquier

Trobairitz Sabbatical Living

As always God is speaking LOUDLY to me in clear whispers attempting to convince this stubborn fearful woman-child (me) towards the greatest healing path of a life of passionate and spiritual service.  My steps are directing my journey into a life with images-1passionate purpose to make a difference, leave a legacy, give humanity a piece of me that’s not as easy as passing down my  DNA.

Instead of fighting the call as I seem to usually do;  I am confidently embracing the steps lighting up before me and following them with fervor!  Since I’ve declared my surrender, by saying YES to my life…I can’t even begin to tell you about the amazing and inspiring people coming out of the woodwork that I am meeting by just being open-hearted?

Going the road less traveled, accepting my life will be less traditional than most has been difficult but now I see it as a True Blessing.

I waffle hourly and question everything and everyone but know x infinity in my entire being that I am on a new road as a Spiritual Troubadour which takes a life of ongoing COURAGE!   In the feminine tense, a Troubadour is called a Trobairitz!   Here is a little wiki-history boring side note on its meaning for your reading pleasure.

The trobairitz (Occitan pronunciation: [tɾuβajˈɾits]) were Occitan female troubadours of the 12th and 13th centuries, imagesactive from around 1170 to approximately 1260.[1] The word trobairitz was first used in the 13th-century romance Flamenca. It comes from the Provençal word trobar,  the literal meaning of which is “to find”, and the technical meaning of which is “to compose”.[2] The word trobairitz is used very rarely in medieval Occitan, as it does not occur in lyrical poetry, grammatical treatises, or in the biographies of the trobairitz or troubadours.[3]Trobairitz composed, wrote verses, and performed for the Occitan noble courts.

I recently learned about what it means to take a sabbatical on purpose to embrace the inner callings of my being without apologizing for it!

Back to the Sabbatical Living…even if you’re a work from home parent, suddenly unemployed (as I have experienced a few times throughout my career) or just too busy and burnt out;  you can and should intentionally plan a “solo-sabbatical” away from the world to be on your own.   Not a girls/guy night weekend full of chatter…more like a solitude seeking “oh so quiet it creeps you out” retreat where nobody talks to you, and you talk to nobody to hear your hearts song.  Can you detatch long enough from technology to do it?

I recently attended an Inspiring Woman’s Summit where so many women moved me to tears by their journeys and courage it took for them to embrace it fully.   I specifically heard 4 co-writers of the book and movement called Reboot Your Life teach super dooper handy skills class about application mediations to help unleash the inner passions and purpose, ways in creating true life balance and/or how to simply take a true “ME TIME” retreat away from the rat race to recharge yourself without guilt or worry!   How many people do that?   How many of you can actually be alone for more than a few hours without your phone, social media, checking in etc..?  I mean truly unplugged and alone?  Not many that I know of take time away to just listen to your heart and souls calling.

I want to make a difference in the world by putting what I heard in action and it takes help sometimes to allow yourself to do it.  I wouldn’t allow myself to be quiet long enough hear it, and this is coming from one who is alone 95% of the time anyway so I can only imagine how hard it is for the rest of you!?  I needed the permission for some reason to allow what my soul is saying to be heard, and taken seriously.  I am going to start my “intentional sabbatical” once a month without exception and I am not going to be sorry for it!   Of course the messages I am getting are right on time for where I am in my AWESOME life journey which is uniquely and wonderfully created just for ME, CATHYV!

Only YOU can listen for your own souls calling to create a life of greatness.  Nobody else but you!

My past co-workers, friends and family are wondering where I am these days, but that’s okay not to have the answers.   When I am ready, I’ll be back better and happier when I am done creating a new life for myself without need for approval, unsolicited advice, judgements and especially their imposed fear, worry, disapproval or the worst is the “hope you are you okay?” facial expressions when I share from the heart.

I adore and respect my sister for so many reasons, but especially love how my sister says with a sassy, yet respectful tone can say, “NUNYA” with utter confidence, without apology and also with pure love in her eyes and smile while she’s saying it.   The slang meaning interpretation is…”what I am doing is none of your damn business and I don’t want your advice, thank you!”   Worry about yourselves, isn’t that enough?

I am in miracle growth blooming season, getting better and better every year, working out my mega-boundary muscles regularly, choosing my path instead of it being dictated  to me by guilt manipulation people pleasing energy-suckers like before.   I am being CALLED to a passionate life of purpose through empowered transformation through my spiritual core beliefs and I am super EXCITED!   I am not sure what that looks like yet, nor do I care.  Nor, should you!

Without a doubt, I am super proud of anyone for having courage to take the leaps of faith outside of their comfort zones.  I am happy for having mine documented through my wordy unedited blog…bad grammar and all!  I am ultimately trusting in Gods Promises for my life as I am reminded in Jer 29:11.

The outcome of our efforts in life doesn’t matter as long as we are Giving it our ALL despite the odds we have to overcome.  


