Tag Archives: Guru Granth Sahib

“The Golden Rule” is Universal

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this;  You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself. Galatians 5:14  Who is your neighbor you ask?  Everyone is!    

The excerpt below was written by Rev. Sandy H. M. Scwartz is a spiritual teacher, professional speaker, writer, certified LifeMastery consultant, coach and ordained minister.    www.SandySchwartz.com From the book, “The Faces behind the pages that INSPIRE: Untold Stories About People Who Empower Us Everyday”  By Lori Rekowski and Friends   www.facesbehindthepagesthatinspire.com imagesTaken from part of Chapter 13:  Meet Rev. Sandy H. M. Scwartz   “….Along with other forms of social media, through facilitating this open and direct communication, will steadily lead to deeper understanding, trust and harmony among the nations and religions of our rapidly shrinking world.  As is evidenced throughout recorded history, most wars have been attributed to the mistrust, intolerance, and fear surrounding another’s religion. As Dennis Merritt Jones observed, “Religion, who’s purpose originally was to bring people together, often has done the opposite, dividing the world and separating its people, both from another and from God.  More wars have been in the name of God than for any other reason, as one religion deemed itself the “right one”.

Increasingly, as social media unite the world’s population, whether across town or across the planet, we are given a window into another’s life, and often invited into their very soul, celebrating with them their joys, and morning with them their losses.  Once such a bond is formed, there is never again such a tendency toward mistrust and fear.  We become better equipped to look past superficial differences, whether defined by ethnicity, race or religion.  We find another human being with similar values, hopes and dreams.
As the world view testifies, and Facebook pages say, there are many paths to God or that Higher Power.  Honor and respect must be given to each person’s personal choice.  Consider the illustration of a wagon wheel showing how the various world religions relate to God.  Imagine the outer rim of the wheel as humanity with God as the center hub, and all the religions of the world being spokes running from the outer rim to the center.  While the spokes all support the outer rim, they likewise all connect to God at the center. Certainly on the surface there seem to be vast differences among the worlds faiths.
There is, however, more than Facebook and social media uniting them.  There is a “golden thread” running through all the great world religions.  Looking at the commodity of these central principles can give further understanding and answers toward ending the separation and fear humanity has long yearned to heal.  Consider the possibility that all major world religions came into existence as a direct result of their founders reaching deep within their own spiritual nature and there touching the very face of God.  Each religious leader, prophet, or holy man then deciphered these great truths and presented them in a way beneficial for the common man of their era and region.
The study of these universal principles or central threads is often called metaphysics. Metaphysics is a the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, particularly the relationship between mind and matter.  It is a study of the nonphysical laws or principles that govern the universe.   “Meta” means above or beyond, and “physical” means material or that which is experienced by the five senses.  Is is the study of God as universal life principle, all-knowing, all-powerful, in and throughout all creation – everything we see, touch, smell, hear, taste, and beyond.
Metaphysics is analogous to a generic approach to God.  It is pure spirituality without the trappings, dogma, and doctrines, which are often more about the revealer of the truth, and the many institutions formed then then the truth that holy one shared.
It is the study of the energies and forces innate to life, the common threads and principles woven into the parables and teachings of the worlds great religions. As an example of the universal nature of these truth principles, consider the GOLDEN RULE.
Below you will find how it seems in ten of the world’s religions: Buddhism = Treat not others in ways that yourself find hurtful. ~The Buddah, Udana-Varga 5.1 Christianity = In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you: for this is the law and the prophets. ~ Jesus, Matthew 7:12 Confucianism = One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct…loving-kindness.  Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. ~ Confucius, Analects 15.23
Hinduism = This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you. ~ Mahabharata 5:1517
Islam = Not one of you truly believes  until you wish for others what you wish for yourself. ~ The Prophet Muhammad, 13th of the 40 Hadiths of Nawawi Jainism = One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated. ~ Mahavira, Sutrakritanga Judaism = What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.  This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary.  Go and learn it. ~ Hillel, Talmud, Shabath Sikhism = I am stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me.  Indeed, I am a friend to all. ~ Guru Granth Sahib, pg. 1299
Taoism = Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain and your neighbor;s loss as your own loss. ~ Lao Tzu, T’ai Shang Kan Ying P’ien, 213-218
Zoroastrianism = Do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself. ~ Shayast-na-Shayast 13.29 As we further reflect on the relevance of these shared principles, let us consider that each of us also shares a portal to thatGoldenRule same truth, that same wisdom, that same God or HIgher Power.
Spirituality is defined as direct knowing of God at our center, and while it is certain that our religious founders delved deep within core waters, it is also within the capacity of each and every one of us to do the same.  Spirituality is the understanding that we live in a spiritual universe with God at the center, as well as the circumference.  In other words God is all that is; and this God is all-loving, all-giving, and the very definition of good.
It is my belief that as metaphysical principles and a spiritual approach to God become better known, understood, and applied, people will come to see the truth as not just something contained in a any certain religion, but as universal:  That truth is the very nature of God and is in and throughout all life.  And that, of course, includes each of us.
There is no more direct approach to God than that found in the heart and center of our own being.  Spiritually, then,  is practicing the awareness of God’s presence within us, and within everyone, and everything. In conclusion, I share one of my great expectations for humanity, that as we continue to grow closer through Facebook and the many social networking technologies, we also begin to look beyond the ideologies and boundaries of religious and political traditions that have held us apart, and instead soften our gaze to view the other with more compassion and understanding, honoring the sacred presence of God within them, as well.
I genuinely believe that as this unfolds the hard and sometimes violent clashes among the world’s great religions will be diminished.  What a greater gift could Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook promote in the world?”  Rev. Sandy Schwartz

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