Tag Archives: salesguru.edu

Certified #DigitalDiva w/ Chris Brogan DBMaster

dbmlogo-300x300WooHoo!  Look Ma! I did it!!!  I graduated from Digital Business Mastery Course!  I finally found something love doing everyday!

I am THE OWNER of my own life!

I won’t lie, this isn’t easy stuff. I’ve been working really hard at very simple, yet challenging assignments.  Working really hard at staying focused and super motivated through the excitement, fear, doubt, highs, lows and ‘UGGG, oh my gawd‘ this is not easy but it’s so worth blood, sweat and tears kind of awesome moments.  Are you doing something you love so much you’d give up everything to live a year focused on the EDU.EverythingYou in overdrive towards the pursuit of creating a profitable online business?  Are you sick of the man telling you what to do?  I was too.  Then Chris showed up.

Chris Brogan courses like Mastering the Digital Channel can help your career transition from the cube to the cloud too!

I also highly suggest his OMFG daily and manchu group experience for icing on the cake.  No, Mom…I am not cussing, it’s an acronym for Owners Mastery Foundation Group if you had any doubt about my social savvy etiquette.  What I’ve learned for sure is we do not have to do anything alone…unless we just want to work alone and commune in the group at water break time for good idea’s, general sharing, support and resources CB calls the MANCHU.

DBM Graduate - Cathy Van Voorhis - 6-19-2014

I think I’ll take a break from being a MASTER of my own DIGITAL BUSINESS to CELEBRATE being  “A Certified Owner” sipping champagne! Cheers!  CLINK CLINK!  Yay Me!  I can do this!

If you’d like to see my progressive progress in action building my online business, please feel free to subscribe to my #SocialSavvySolutions newsletter at www.cjvanvoorhis.com and just watch the big show…in all it’s glory, good days and bad days…both are sure to happen.  That said, I’d love constructive feedback (yes, I know my editing skills stink – duly noted) as I go along this journey of personal and professional development.  It’s not easy doing this “learning a new career” thing in front of everyone so publicly so that’s a victory within itself!

Cheers! Clink Clink the bubbly!

My “official” website launch will be coming soon and will be full of liquid gold streaming online eSales strategies & recourses to help you create your online legacy for streaming income too!

I’d seriously love a response to this question if you want to click and reply to me here socialsavvys@gmail.com …

If you could collect, package and re.imagine everything you know, your experiences (good and bad), your wisdom (learned from mistakes), lessons you’d want to share to help people…what would that be?  

Seriously, what would YOUR topic literally be?  Email me!

As always, if it’s a 911 sales “live” consulting emergency you can always reach me at socialsavvys@gmail.com or make an appointment through my www.desiresonfire.com page for a private session.  One of these days I’ll be under one big happy .com umbrella of CV2.com world domination ready to explode into awesome fun I’ve learned to call “the community to serve” aka “target market”!

I still can’t believe how far I’ve come this year! YAY ME!  I am throwing up my cap & gown, poppin the bubbley and doing my happy dance! What a fun way to end the day!  I actually graduated from DBM!  WOOHOO! Thank you @chrisbrogan your courses literally helped my career transition from the cube to the cloud; from the pits to posh in a few months time.  May God continue to multiply the Manchu x infinity!

I still have a LOTTA work to do, many hours and months ahead of this never ending road but today I can say I am certified as THE OWNER of my own life and this paper will remind me to stay true to the course!  http://ownermag.com/courses- My next course to take is WRITE YOUR BOOK ALREADY! Won’t you join me?  Learning is fun!