Tag Archives: success

Gender Gap?

Women now drive the world economy. Women bring the magic mojo to the new #ConnectionEconomy we’re all reading about. Why is there still a gender gap in Silicon valley then? And why is all a trending topic at all in 2014?  I have hope we can change that in 2015.

According to Harvard Business: The Female Economy AND Forbes,“Just One Woman” women represent the largest market opportunity in the world. Globally, they control $20 trillion in annual consumer spending (U.S. dollars).  In the next five years, it is expected that this number will rise to $28 trillion.  How much is that?  It is more than the markets of China and India combined — the largest growth markets in the world.  [See Boston Consulting Group survey “What Women Want,”] 

Note: This is a pep talk to myself before my Silicon Valley Interviews next week. 386be1f

In researching and studying for my Palo Alto interviews I’ve been bombarded with “gender gap” articles in Silicon Valley. Hmm. Huh?

I didn’t realize I had a gap in my gender? Even more, I didn’t know it still mattered in 2014. What is all this about the Silicon Valley gender gap anyway? Only 7% of top Director or above executives are female.

Being female in technology, I’ve never felt favored or victimized because of my gender. I’ve never used my boobs to get ahead or been harassed because of them popping out of my sweater either. It’s been a neutral experience in my 17 years of many colorful experiences.

So, I feel pretty good about my gender gap, not being a gap at all.  Who wouldn’t want me on their team when I represent who, what, when, where and how the majority of the buyers buy – because I am a women.

What if, just maybe more females just aren’t interested in living or working there so they aren’t applying? There could be tons of reasons why the stats show 61% male dominated zone..majority white which I find baffling even more. Many factors aren’t suggested in the articles so I choose to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Are women just being alienated OR are many women choosing NOT to go that route in order to raise children and have less demanding work schedules instead?  Life Balance (and Lifestyle Branding – hint hint) is the new economy which is NOT in line with working at a start up on call attached to a smart phone 24/7, or just maybe they do not want to live in expensive or crowded area’s, the intangible list can go on and on. I choose to believe this gender gap is a mutual choice.

“When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice.” Mary Kay Ash

I am not comfortable with this topic in 2014 but I don’t shy away from it. I just ignore it. That I am even writing about this only gives it more power to separate us vs. just ignoring it as I should so it will be meaningless sooner so we can all just be really good at what we are really good at.  

This is Not a trending topic for me. I’m neither a feminist nor am I an enabler of racism, or gender chauvinist pigs (the issue goes both ways). Frankly, it all really gets on my nerves because it so stupid when you really break it down. But most of all, gender aside, I cannot stand small thinkers = the idiots (either gender) who think they know it all because of whatever reason. We all can learn from each other. We all have excellence to contribute too.

Hmm. So, where do I fall on this debate? It’s simple. I don’t and I won’t.

Taking my cue from my virtual hero Tom Peters Reimagine Business Excellence in A Disruptive Age

I’ve been raised well. I’ve been taught to use my brain, my wits and my social etiquette called manners. None of that is gender biased. I was not taught to use my gender for or against life, career, others for any reason…so I won’t even let this enter as a way to scare me away from my dream when it’s so close.  Do I wish I were more inclined to use my gender to my advantage some days, YES. Might I in the future – YES. Some think, I’d be much better off if I had played a little nicer, spoke a little less and used my Texas charm as a good southern girl should.  But, I digress. 

We all bleed red.

Hard work always pays off when we commit to doing our best.

Will life be unfair – YES!  

Will it be easy – NO!  

What do I have to lose – NOTHING!  

What do I have to gain – EVERYTHING!  

That’s what it’s like being human. That’s called LIFE.

If it was easy everyone could do it. Right? Right. Doing what it takes to be considered a player in Silicon Valley isn’t easy. 

I value my worth and experience that I bring. I value my endless willingness to learn in order to succeed. I am a passionate, driven, hard working, very smart, innovative and valuable team member. I love helping my clients learn and implement new technology to make business better and better. My pastime hobby is reading LinkedIn blogs and studying business marketing and sales models and taking eCourses online like a freaky geek. I love it. I live and breathe it. My weekends, 4am early musings are energized by it so I know “this is my one love” I need to pursue.

imgresI love this Tom Peters teaching and his facts about the need for more women leaders. I also love the book “Make Room for Her” and America’s Competitive Advantage: Women Managers and EVEolution: The Eight Truths Of Marketing To Women. So I guess I’ve been preparing me for the big time in my career and didn’t realize how much power I actually have until recently.

I’ve been working hard and have earned every step of this journey. I’ll need all your prayers to boost my confidence when I walk through those doors. I have amazing ideas, amazing skills and talent to offer and I love what I do more than food.  It’s my life. I am a business leader and an innovator.

It’s a different world of sharks there and I’m fresh rookie meat. Scary. I am very scared and I hope I don’t blow it.

If it doesn’t work out that only means something better will come from the lessons and blessings of trying my best and taking action to be the person who does what it takes to get there.

Here this! As true as the fact might be…If it doesn’t work out it will NOT be because of a “gender gap”.

There isn’t much else I want to do so I know – without a doubt I am on the right path to my “WHY”. The trials and testing of my faith and fortitude has been hard and am sure will only get harder once I am there “living my dream”. I am sure I will be let down and challenged daily, if not hourly to quit and let them run me off.

jpegNot happening. This is MY time to shine. I have been unreasonably drawn there for a reason and now it’s my season to find out why. My past has prepared me to run with the big dogs and I cannot wait!

They ask what would you do if you didn’t get paid to do it. Well I am doing it already and not getting paid so that would be it. Even if I win the lottery my dream to work in Silicon Valley as an Innovator, Industry Shifter would just get stronger because then I’d have the money to put it where my mouth is and develop my big idea!

That’s when you know you’ve hit the jackpot. When you figure out what you’d do, no matter what you need to sacrifice to get there, letting everything else come second, you’ve hit upon your life’s mission.

“I have a dream” speech echoes in my dreams and in my mind when I get frustrated and want to quit. I recently read the most inspiring article by Bernard Marr called One Thing Successful People Never Fail To Do!

Am I scared to death and exhilarated all at once. YOU BET I AM! This Texas girl is ready to go Balls to the Wall in the Silicon Valley Sword Fight Club! CV2 is coming to town y’all! I will not take any shiznit or let you ruin my dream because I am a girl. I create killer sales/marketing strategies for a living – this is no different. GAME ON! 

Gender aside, I am “Just One Woman” and I plan to make a difference! I am tired of playing small. So I won’t.

Ps. Worst case – the odds of meeting a like minded entrepreneurial, go-getter at the notorious hang out Philz Coffee Shop my odds are pretty good there too. “Coffee, Tea or Marry Me?” HA!!!  JUST KIDDING!  I’m a comedian too!

I call this awesome next adventure an absolute WIN WIN for ME, CATHYV!  

Certified #DigitalDiva w/ Chris Brogan DBMaster

dbmlogo-300x300WooHoo!  Look Ma! I did it!!!  I graduated from Digital Business Mastery Course!  I finally found something love doing everyday!

I am THE OWNER of my own life!

I won’t lie, this isn’t easy stuff. I’ve been working really hard at very simple, yet challenging assignments.  Working really hard at staying focused and super motivated through the excitement, fear, doubt, highs, lows and ‘UGGG, oh my gawd‘ this is not easy but it’s so worth blood, sweat and tears kind of awesome moments.  Are you doing something you love so much you’d give up everything to live a year focused on the EDU.EverythingYou in overdrive towards the pursuit of creating a profitable online business?  Are you sick of the man telling you what to do?  I was too.  Then Chris showed up.

Chris Brogan courses like Mastering the Digital Channel can help your career transition from the cube to the cloud too!

I also highly suggest his OMFG daily and manchu group experience for icing on the cake.  No, Mom…I am not cussing, it’s an acronym for Owners Mastery Foundation Group if you had any doubt about my social savvy etiquette.  What I’ve learned for sure is we do not have to do anything alone…unless we just want to work alone and commune in the group at water break time for good idea’s, general sharing, support and resources CB calls the MANCHU.

DBM Graduate - Cathy Van Voorhis - 6-19-2014

I think I’ll take a break from being a MASTER of my own DIGITAL BUSINESS to CELEBRATE being  “A Certified Owner” sipping champagne! Cheers!  CLINK CLINK!  Yay Me!  I can do this!

If you’d like to see my progressive progress in action building my online business, please feel free to subscribe to my #SocialSavvySolutions newsletter at www.cjvanvoorhis.com and just watch the big show…in all it’s glory, good days and bad days…both are sure to happen.  That said, I’d love constructive feedback (yes, I know my editing skills stink – duly noted) as I go along this journey of personal and professional development.  It’s not easy doing this “learning a new career” thing in front of everyone so publicly so that’s a victory within itself!

Cheers! Clink Clink the bubbly!

My “official” website launch will be coming soon and will be full of liquid gold streaming online eSales strategies & recourses to help you create your online legacy for streaming income too!

I’d seriously love a response to this question if you want to click and reply to me here socialsavvys@gmail.com …

If you could collect, package and re.imagine everything you know, your experiences (good and bad), your wisdom (learned from mistakes), lessons you’d want to share to help people…what would that be?  

Seriously, what would YOUR topic literally be?  Email me!

As always, if it’s a 911 sales “live” consulting emergency you can always reach me at socialsavvys@gmail.com or make an appointment through my www.desiresonfire.com page for a private session.  One of these days I’ll be under one big happy .com umbrella of CV2.com world domination ready to explode into awesome fun I’ve learned to call “the community to serve” aka “target market”!

I still can’t believe how far I’ve come this year! YAY ME!  I am throwing up my cap & gown, poppin the bubbley and doing my happy dance! What a fun way to end the day!  I actually graduated from DBM!  WOOHOO! Thank you @chrisbrogan your courses literally helped my career transition from the cube to the cloud; from the pits to posh in a few months time.  May God continue to multiply the Manchu x infinity!

I still have a LOTTA work to do, many hours and months ahead of this never ending road but today I can say I am certified as THE OWNER of my own life and this paper will remind me to stay true to the course!  http://ownermag.com/courses- My next course to take is WRITE YOUR BOOK ALREADY! Won’t you join me?  Learning is fun!


NEW YEAR, NEW MOTTO!  I typically have a theme song that I cling to with each passing birthday  but I was just given the gift of a new and very powerful New Year’s Eve Tradition thanks to my beautiful friend and mentor Mindy Audlin.  In keeping with the theme of how powerful our words are of course I had to blog-brag about my word – duh?  What we resist, persists.  The word I am Releasing from the old year and all that held me back is FEAR!  Fear of failing, fear of getting hurt, fear of feeling anything at all, fear of not being good enough, fear of being in a leadership role, fear of going belly up, fear about having fear, fear of the unknown, fear of not knowing what I want to do with my life, fear of not having a family by this age, fear of never finding true love, fear of speaking in front of a crowd….stupid, stupid, stupid fear you are absolutely dismissed pronto!    “It is not a matter of being fearless. The fear is sometimes constant, but it’s about moving forward regardless of the fear. Courage means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.”  – Gillian Anderson

I got to sit and stare it down today as what had too much power over my life to let it go for good.  In order to embrace the new beginnings I want to live powerfully within the coming year I am committed to becoming my new word!   I am declaring as myself  as JOY!!!  You can even call me Joy if you like!

Brighter Than the Sun” by Colbie Caillet as my theme song from my birthday so in combination that’s one huge does of sunshine powerfully lighting up my world and my path as I plunge into 2012 with everything to look forward to. Plus I have a girl crush on her and Natasha Bedingfeild who reminds me my book is still Unwritten, “I am undefined, I am just beginning, pen in hand, ending unplanned.”  I love inspirational music!

“Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart.  It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun. I swear you (“you” meaning my Godly purpose) hit me like a VISON. I, I, I wasn’t expecting, But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go? Oh this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart, it goes off like a gun and its so damn beautiful! lala….shikka shikka shine down” Brighter Than the Sun

JOY is defined as  1.the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires 2. a state of happiness or felicity : BLISS 3. a source or cause of delight!  So as I go through my days I will use this word as my guide. Does this bring me joy?  Does what I do with my life and career bring joy to the world in some way, shape or form?   I will create joy if it’s not already there.  I will be the source of causing delight in others.  That my friends brings me JOY!  Find your word and make it a good one because it has power when you claim it as who you are.   It’s written in the bible and it is now written on my 2012 white stone and SO IT IS!  Cheers to you!  God Bless You with a very safe, abundant and especially JOYFUL New Year!

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it. Rev 2:17