Tag Archives: Short story

Write On!

“They” say real writers write every day.  Right?   Right.  Just write.  “Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.” Ray Bradbury happens to be one of my writing hero’s not because he is a literary legend but because he had no formal education.  He spent hours in the library reading and out living the school of life.  I admire that more than anything.  We are all legends in our own right, as a writer; as long as you love writing he says you are a real writer.  I like that.  A LOT!

The trick is not to become a writer, it is to stay a writer and do something with it. Day after day, year after year, blog post after blog post and God-willing someday book after book.  I love to write.  When it hits, it is all-consuming.  My mind races and I can’t do anything else until I write it down and get it out there.  It has a very weird power over me to surrender to the musings, even when they are ramblings to most.  And for that, I must keep working at writing a little everyday to see where it takes me next.  As I enter 2012 I am trying to decide on a THEME to write about in the new year.  I need to work on structure, the twist, the plot, the theme, chapter development to turn this hobby into a revenue stream for profit on Amazon.  Everyone has a book inside them!

I would love to become a ghostwriter.  I’d love to write short stories or magazine articles for feel good reading like in O magazine.  I’d love to learn correct grammar (I bet you would like that too!). There so much I need to learn about “creative design” technology to make my online presence look really cool visually without a dummy template.  So this is my bit of writing practice for today.  I have a New Year’s Day party waiting on me to continue to ringing in the new year!  I am so very blessed indeed to have the opportunity to write and express my thoughts and opinions freely!    Thank you all for reading and supporting my blog as I continue to learn, grow, change, create and hopefully inspire everyone else to write on!  

Love, CathyV