Tag Archives: Writers Resources

Write On!

“They” say real writers write every day.  Right?   Right.  Just write.  “Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.” Ray Bradbury happens to be one of my writing hero’s not because he is a literary legend but because he had no formal education.  He spent hours in the library reading and out living the school of life.  I admire that more than anything.  We are all legends in our own right, as a writer; as long as you love writing he says you are a real writer.  I like that.  A LOT!

The trick is not to become a writer, it is to stay a writer and do something with it. Day after day, year after year, blog post after blog post and God-willing someday book after book.  I love to write.  When it hits, it is all-consuming.  My mind races and I can’t do anything else until I write it down and get it out there.  It has a very weird power over me to surrender to the musings, even when they are ramblings to most.  And for that, I must keep working at writing a little everyday to see where it takes me next.  As I enter 2012 I am trying to decide on a THEME to write about in the new year.  I need to work on structure, the twist, the plot, the theme, chapter development to turn this hobby into a revenue stream for profit on Amazon.  Everyone has a book inside them!

I would love to become a ghostwriter.  I’d love to write short stories or magazine articles for feel good reading like in O magazine.  I’d love to learn correct grammar (I bet you would like that too!). There so much I need to learn about “creative design” technology to make my online presence look really cool visually without a dummy template.  So this is my bit of writing practice for today.  I have a New Year’s Day party waiting on me to continue to ringing in the new year!  I am so very blessed indeed to have the opportunity to write and express my thoughts and opinions freely!    Thank you all for reading and supporting my blog as I continue to learn, grow, change, create and hopefully inspire everyone else to write on!  

Love, CathyV

Will Write For Food

Bare with this long self-centered post as I work through Oprah’s guided workbook in November 2011 edition on how to “Find Your True Calling”.  Give page 158 a try yourself!!   I have A BHAG (pronounced “bee-hag”) which is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal!!  And that is to be a full-time self-employed writer making a very  lucrative income creating words that string together to profoundly communicate a message as my life’s calling and career.

All I know is that I am a poet of the possible and I’m good with words. I am a lover of humanity by loving people and writing down how I view the world.  I enjoy inspiring hope in all circumstances and encouraging others.  “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, God calls a butterfly” Richard Bach   When I was a kid I dreamed of being in love and having a family with a lot of dogs.  So far I have lots of dogs.   My family is YOU!   I never dreamt of being a corporate left brained smart pants with several college degrees, a lawyer or a nurse.  I just got lost in day dreaming and asking too many annoying questions out of curiosity.   Nancy Drew and Curious George were my favorite childhood books.

I never got the answer to “Why is the sky blue?” but found myself spending hours making cloud animals out of puffy shapes and then creating a story in my mind around the animal I made up.   I was a quiet and very shy kid and became a self-imposed extrovert thanks to a sales career that I loathe but am very good at when I apply myself.  If I’m honest with myself, I am an authentic introvert overflowing with endless “what if” ideas in my head as an adult.  My voice shakes speaking in front of a crowd and I’ll usually will blotch but my writing oozes confidence.   I’ll stick with confident version of myself thank you very much!

I can’t pass up a book or movie about true love.  If I played hookie from work for a week I’d spend the time reading, watching movies, inventing kamikaze  recipes, writing,  playing with my dogs, day dreaming about what my kids and husband will be like and going to a long margarita lunch with my friends on a sunny cool patio.   I am always dreaming up exciting stories about the people at the other tables surrounding me which always makes for good conversation.  Harnessing my imagination  in to create a lucrative career path with it is the big “hmmmmm” question.   Where do other writers begin?

Most people don’t know this about me, but I really enjoy making people laugh out loud. I love comedy but am nowhere close to a comedian.   So far only Facebooking and texting brings out my super witty side in random blurbs…a skill I’m trying to translate into story form.  Maybe I’ll write a sitcom one day?  I certainly have plenty of material from my hilarious “life experiences” so far.

I am to go- to person when my friends need help with inspiration and  encouragement.  I see the best in people which is a great skill and one that has also led me to total heartbreak many times.  Every crack in my heart is worth it when I can help someone see the bright side in themselves and others even in the worst of situations.  If I could star in my how-to TV show, it would be about finding the upside in every situation.  No matter how hard  life throws curve balls at us, like a batting cage gone wild, there is ALWAYS AN UPSIDE!  Always.

If I were to make a homemade gift, it would involve written words, a poem or an inspiration uniquely inspired by that special person.   I’ve tried it only once or twice, but I really enjoy traveling alone and exploring new places and cultures.  Don’t get me wrong I prefer a fun-loving laid back travel companion but the freedom from hassle or expectations others have during travel is awesome!

The closest I’ve come to a runner high is when I press “publish” on my blog and see it posted out there for the world to see.   Or when I sold my house, quit my job and drove off into the sunset across country by myself with no certain agenda other than to be free to stop waiting on tomorrow to do things that I wanted to do yesterday.  The time is NOW to do whatever it is you want to do.

If I won first prize in a talent show it would be for taking risks personally and professionally.  I learned to wing it well growing up which translates in to taking leaps of faith and building wings on the way down as I go.  I have a hard time staying in one place for long, I jump both feet in over my head in almost every thing I do, who I’ve dated, married, divorced, where I’ve  lived,  jobs I thought would bring me satisfaction….you get the picture.  I am a yuppy suburbanite gypsy stuck in cubeville.  In about 6 months of corporate life I find myself suffocated by strict structure, fake game playing and management politics that I find myself scouring the Internet and my network of friends for the next big move.    My résumé time line is as doctored up as Dolly Parton that I don’t even know what dates are true anymore?   To me a job is like casual dating, I haven’t found the right one to settle down with yet so why settle down?

Somehow I always land on my feet and learn incredible new skills, technologies, friends and challenging life lessons as I go.  So let the lucky streak of faith leaping and wing flapping continue giving my family gray hairs and God a reason to show off….knock on wood!   Regardless, I still need a paycheck or a sugar daddy like everyone else so this time I am knocking really loud on Gods door for it to open up to the job I want to marry!  Literally I am praying for Mr. Wright!

I most feel like myself when I’m talking, praying and listening to Gods whispers and directions.   I’m passionate about enlightenment and seeking eternal truths without any certain religious definitions.  The things that drive other people like wealth, fame, social ties don’t drive me at all.  While connection, influence, security and accomplishment all make up our whole being, my motivational driver is enlightenment.  Focused Imagination in action towards finding a higher understanding of loving, living, giving and purpose in my existence and the world around me.  It’s always easier to spot someone’s natural talents and gifts above my own and helping them realize their potential of greatness is exhilarating to me.  I love the energy of brainstorming ideas, self-esteem rising like bread dough,  light bulbs going off like the flashes of paparazzi on the red carpet kind of feeling of delicious fabulousness!

So, after all that, what I know is that I’m really good at having a wild imagination and writing down my thoughts.  Now what?   I trust the path in my journey will be revealed with a bright spot light on each step at a time as long as I continue stepping forward in faith while the puzzle pieces fall into place.  God is always right on time as usual!  To be continued….