Monthly Archives: April 2013


Please Share this with every female of any age in your world.   I must have missed this memo growing up but I have the message taped to my mirror now and will be reading it [out loud] every freakin’ day!  After reading this, I will be referring to myself in third person, as….wait for it…… 


That said, ‘Catherine The Great’ would like to share this Letter To Women by Kute Blackson with you from the blog Positively Positive. Enjoy!

3625591626_7cbdb752f2_o-654x436“My Dear,

You are priceless.

In our culture today, the real value of the feminine has been far undervalued and under-appreciated.

We tend to value things that we can touch, see, or understand with our logical mind.

But the real essence of who you are as woman is beyond form, dancing in the unseen, intangible realms.

The magic of the feminine is your mystery.

As a woman, one of your gifts is your profound intuition. You sense, see, and feel things beyond the physical. You know things way in advance. People may call you crazy, unreasonable, even unrealistic, but know that nothing revolutionary was created by dreaming small and buying into limitations.

We need your feminine gifts now on this planet more than ever in human history. We need your vision and your multidimensional sensitivity.

You as a woman have that magical ability to breathe life into something where there was nothing and give it form.

There is a reason that when you love, you light up a room.

There is a reason that when you give yourself to your man and support him with your heart’s devotion, his entire life transforms and even his income increases.

Your value is not in how you look, how much you weigh, how nice your skin is, whether you have no wrinkles or cellulite. Just you being an openhearted, radiant, blessing force of love…you are the gift in itself.

Just you allowing your soul-shine to smile upon all those you come in contact with is grace.

So, never sell your heart, body, or soul for love. The love you will get this way isn’t real.

Stay true to who you are and your inner knowing. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give us as men: Your authentic heart’s offering. If you aren’t you because you want us to love you, then we don’t really have YOU anyways.

You being fully self-expressed as the feminine is the gift.

There is nothing you need to DO and nothing you need to prove. I know we live in a culture where doing is worshiped, but know that just your presence is everything.

As a woman, you are a profound alchemical portal of transformation for us men. You are a Universe of infinite wonder where all of life exists.

Do you really know the power you have in the depth of your heart to move universes with simply the blink of an eye or a smile?

Do you really know the power you have to resurrect a life and give hope just with your compassion and care?

Do you really know the power you have to shape the future of humanity with the way you love a child?

Do you really know the power you have to inspire, so much so that a man built the Taj Mahal for his wife, who was dead!

Out of you, we are all birthed. For every human being alive, you were our first home for nine months. Out of you, we were literally formed and came into this world. Without you, we wouldn’t be.

And with you, we are more alive.

With you, I feel like I can touch the skies.

With you, there is nothing I cannot do.

I see you.

I honor you.

I love you.

Love. Now


Kute Blackson is a life coach and speaker. Unlike those who promise to simply help people “get” what they want, Kute’s work instead reveals to people what they have to give, by liberating who they are most truly and deeply. The focus: Freedom. For more on Kute, please visit his website and follow him on Twitter.  


Silver Lining…By Lee DeWyze

Remember when I met you on a park bench

And you smiled at me and said that we should be friends
Cause I was drowning bad up on the dry land
And then sat beside and put your hand in my hand
And then you picked me up and you put me in a straight line
You looked at me and said that it would be fine
We take our time to find the silver lining
We can make these crying waters into wine
We’ll be alright
We’ll be alright

Remember when you found me on the cold ground
You were looking up as the sky was looking down
And you said that you were jealous of the bright stars
I said darling, you’ll be brighter than they all are
So then I picked you up and I put you in a straight line
You looked at me and I said that it would be fine
Take our time to find the silver lining
We can make these crying waters into wine
We’ll be alright
We’ll be alright

Cause they, they don’t know our heart
And they wont break us apart
And we, we don’t have so much
But we, all we need is us

If we take our time to find the silver lining
We can make these crying waters into wine
We’ll be alright
Cause they, they don’t know our hearts
And they won’t break us apart
And we, we don’t have so much
But we, all we need is us

If we take our time to find the silver lining…

Trobairitz Sabbatical Living

As always God is speaking LOUDLY to me in clear whispers attempting to convince this stubborn fearful woman-child (me) towards the greatest healing path of a life of passionate and spiritual service.  My steps are directing my journey into a life with images-1passionate purpose to make a difference, leave a legacy, give humanity a piece of me that’s not as easy as passing down my  DNA.

Instead of fighting the call as I seem to usually do;  I am confidently embracing the steps lighting up before me and following them with fervor!  Since I’ve declared my surrender, by saying YES to my life…I can’t even begin to tell you about the amazing and inspiring people coming out of the woodwork that I am meeting by just being open-hearted?

Going the road less traveled, accepting my life will be less traditional than most has been difficult but now I see it as a True Blessing.

I waffle hourly and question everything and everyone but know x infinity in my entire being that I am on a new road as a Spiritual Troubadour which takes a life of ongoing COURAGE!   In the feminine tense, a Troubadour is called a Trobairitz!   Here is a little wiki-history boring side note on its meaning for your reading pleasure.

The trobairitz (Occitan pronunciation: [tɾuβajˈɾits]) were Occitan female troubadours of the 12th and 13th centuries, imagesactive from around 1170 to approximately 1260.[1] The word trobairitz was first used in the 13th-century romance Flamenca. It comes from the Provençal word trobar,  the literal meaning of which is “to find”, and the technical meaning of which is “to compose”.[2] The word trobairitz is used very rarely in medieval Occitan, as it does not occur in lyrical poetry, grammatical treatises, or in the biographies of the trobairitz or troubadours.[3]Trobairitz composed, wrote verses, and performed for the Occitan noble courts.

I recently learned about what it means to take a sabbatical on purpose to embrace the inner callings of my being without apologizing for it!

Back to the Sabbatical Living…even if you’re a work from home parent, suddenly unemployed (as I have experienced a few times throughout my career) or just too busy and burnt out;  you can and should intentionally plan a “solo-sabbatical” away from the world to be on your own.   Not a girls/guy night weekend full of chatter…more like a solitude seeking “oh so quiet it creeps you out” retreat where nobody talks to you, and you talk to nobody to hear your hearts song.  Can you detatch long enough from technology to do it?

I recently attended an Inspiring Woman’s Summit where so many women moved me to tears by their journeys and courage it took for them to embrace it fully.   I specifically heard 4 co-writers of the book and movement called Reboot Your Life teach super dooper handy skills class about application mediations to help unleash the inner passions and purpose, ways in creating true life balance and/or how to simply take a true “ME TIME” retreat away from the rat race to recharge yourself without guilt or worry!   How many people do that?   How many of you can actually be alone for more than a few hours without your phone, social media, checking in etc..?  I mean truly unplugged and alone?  Not many that I know of take time away to just listen to your heart and souls calling.

I want to make a difference in the world by putting what I heard in action and it takes help sometimes to allow yourself to do it.  I wouldn’t allow myself to be quiet long enough hear it, and this is coming from one who is alone 95% of the time anyway so I can only imagine how hard it is for the rest of you!?  I needed the permission for some reason to allow what my soul is saying to be heard, and taken seriously.  I am going to start my “intentional sabbatical” once a month without exception and I am not going to be sorry for it!   Of course the messages I am getting are right on time for where I am in my AWESOME life journey which is uniquely and wonderfully created just for ME, CATHYV!

Only YOU can listen for your own souls calling to create a life of greatness.  Nobody else but you!

My past co-workers, friends and family are wondering where I am these days, but that’s okay not to have the answers.   When I am ready, I’ll be back better and happier when I am done creating a new life for myself without need for approval, unsolicited advice, judgements and especially their imposed fear, worry, disapproval or the worst is the “hope you are you okay?” facial expressions when I share from the heart.

I adore and respect my sister for so many reasons, but especially love how my sister says with a sassy, yet respectful tone can say, “NUNYA” with utter confidence, without apology and also with pure love in her eyes and smile while she’s saying it.   The slang meaning interpretation is…”what I am doing is none of your damn business and I don’t want your advice, thank you!”   Worry about yourselves, isn’t that enough?

I am in miracle growth blooming season, getting better and better every year, working out my mega-boundary muscles regularly, choosing my path instead of it being dictated  to me by guilt manipulation people pleasing energy-suckers like before.   I am being CALLED to a passionate life of purpose through empowered transformation through my spiritual core beliefs and I am super EXCITED!   I am not sure what that looks like yet, nor do I care.  Nor, should you!

Without a doubt, I am super proud of anyone for having courage to take the leaps of faith outside of their comfort zones.  I am happy for having mine documented through my wordy unedited blog…bad grammar and all!  I am ultimately trusting in Gods Promises for my life as I am reminded in Jer 29:11.

The outcome of our efforts in life doesn’t matter as long as we are Giving it our ALL despite the odds we have to overcome.  




Healthy Uncertainty

Written by Lissa Rankin M.D. from   “We cling to that illusion of “certainty” because it feels safe.  Even if the certainty we cling to makes us miserable, we hang on for dear life because change is scary, and uncertainty feels dangerous.

IMG_0079But there’s a beautiful gift on the other side of the fear of uncertainty.  When you finally make peace with your fear of the unknown, you discover something magical, that on the other side of the uncertainty is possibility, potential, and the magical realization that anything could happen even miracles.

If you’re sick or injured or even just battling some niggling symptom now, the uncertainty of the outcome of your health condition might make you feel fearful or anxious. But here’s what I hope to leave you with.  If you can heal your emotional and spiritual self and become whole, anything is possible even spontaneous recovery– on the other side of the uncertainty.

In order to live a vital life, prevent disease, or optimize your current state of health, you need:

• Healthy relationships, including a strong network of family, friends, loved ones, and colleagues
• A healthy, meaningful way to spend your days, whether you work outside the home or in it
• A healthy, fully expressed creative life that allows your soul to sing its song
• A healthy spiritual life, including a sense of connection to the sacred in life
• A healthy sexual life that allows you the freedom to express your sexual self
• A healthy financial life, free of undue financial stress, which ensures that the essential needs of your body are met
• A healthy environment, free of toxins, natural disaster hazards, radiation, and other unhealthy factors that threaten the health of the body
• A healthy mental and emotional life, characterized by optimism, happiness, and freedom from fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental health ailments
• A healthy lifestyle that support the physical health of the body, such as good nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and avoidance of unhealthy hang ups and addictions”

How healthy are YOU?   If you are like me truly honest with your state of living; we are all in some sort of denial like most of us tend to do because its easier than facing the truth…All I know is I want a healthy 10 out of 10 on this list!

I am certainly going to check out her upcoming book release to find out more from Mind Over Medicine…who doesn’t want to Feel Better in times of such Uncertainty?  Live & Love Better?   Find True Fulfillment?   Have Vitality?   I’ve already traded in my Golden Handcuffs which is a really good beginning!

Be a Blessing!

images-2I absolutely love the concept of paying it forward.   It’s a contagious virus!   Oprah made it mainstream with her big give.  Ellen is on board and so many other philanthropists have proven the science and spiritual practice of it.  So many aren’t as famous but still make ripples in the world by giving a helping hand and seizing the opportunity to give.   We see the most beautiful stories of amazing generosity and humanity during a tragedy.   I don’t want more tragedies to happen but I sure do wish we could be that amazing to one another much more often!

Such Simple acts of kindness make people so happy!   So why don’t we do them more often?   I am super guilty of being very selfish in life by keeping to myself; not wanting to bother anyone I have fallen away from what brings me so much joy.   I just never put 2 and 2 together.  Maybe this is why the topic is on my heart to write about.  God is funny like that in my life.   My gifts, talents, time and treasure have been held up inside of me for a while now, but why do we think being selfish is more safe?     Is fear whats stopping us from giving more often?   Fear of rejection, getting hurt, being taken for granted, a broken heart, disappointment, making a mistake, being judged, not feeling good enough, fear of failure, fear of success…you name it…I am sure I’ve feared it at some point in my journey.     Maybe you have too and its robbing you of the miracles that could be happening in your life from simply giving.   I am learning how to make friends with my fears. I say “hello there (insert lie we tell ourselves here)  I deeply love and except myself despite you”, and keep moving forward with the positive upside of the negative talk we tend to play over and over.

I’ve been bombarded with whispers, messages, books, blogs, people with a message of the Art of Giving Intentionally over several years.  It’s just hit me all at once; connecting the dots backwards in hindsight…My purpose and passion is sincerely serving others.    I’m serious when I say this so don’t laugh; my favorite job was being a waitress!  I have an extreme passion/obsession for giving excellent client service which made sales a natural career choice that I now loathe because Serving Clients “well” has even gotten me literally fired!   Corporate Monsters don’t like it when you educate customers right out of buying their products because it wasn’t the right solution for them.   Telling the truth is a tricky business.  Talk about an AHA moment?   I’m truly  happiest when I am a Giver.  It’s a blessing to be a blessing; to be a helper.

For a long time I made a point of intentionally smiling, complimenting and greeting everyone I pass all day long like a IMG_0042game – it made me so happy to make someone happy just by noticing them when most keep their eyes down awkwardly ignoring the world around them or distracted with their face in their phones.    If you know me at all, you know I hate taking phone calls which is socially speaking, very rude of me.  20 years in sales is the culprit that robbed me of the joy of accepting and making simple phone calls to my nearest and dearest like a thief.   For my phone-phobic tendencies, I apologize.   I live to give in other ways which I need to expand and develop intentionally to show Love and Appreciation to the world around me.  Knowing what our true gifts are to give back is the first step to start Giving them away abundantly.   That is where real joy and fulfillment in life will be found.   I’ll start my ‘smile with my eyes, from the heart to everyone’ game of giving back up again ASAP and start developing my gifts, talents, time and treasure where I can genuinely make a difference.

What kind of Giving brings you the most joy?   What do you fear most when you give of yourself generously?

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.~Luke 6:38

Show me your hands. Do they have scars from giving? Show me your feet. Are they wounded in service? Show me your heart. Have you left a place for divine love? ~ Fulton J. Sheen

I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate – it’s apathy. It’s not giving a damn. ~ Leo Buscaglia

The degree of loving is measured by the degree of giving. ~ Edwin Louis Cole

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. ~ Wayne Dyer

No one has ever become poor by giving. ~ Anne Frank

In giving us children, God places us in a position of both leadership and service. He calls us to give up our lives for someone else’s sake – to abandon our own desires and put our child’s interests first. Yet, according to His perfect design, it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled. ~ Charles Stanley

The essential elements of giving are power and love – activity and affection – and the consciousness of the race testifies that in the high and proper exercise of these is a blessedness greater than any other. ~ Mark Hopkins

For it is in giving that we receive. ~ Francis of Assisi

Who am I to question so many wise people over the ages?   BE IN IT, TO GIVE IT!   Carpe Diem!

Pablo Picasso

“The Golden Rule” is Universal

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this;  You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself. Galatians 5:14  Who is your neighbor you ask?  Everyone is!    

The excerpt below was written by Rev. Sandy H. M. Scwartz is a spiritual teacher, professional speaker, writer, certified LifeMastery consultant, coach and ordained minister. From the book, “The Faces behind the pages that INSPIRE: Untold Stories About People Who Empower Us Everyday”  By Lori Rekowski and Friends imagesTaken from part of Chapter 13:  Meet Rev. Sandy H. M. Scwartz   “….Along with other forms of social media, through facilitating this open and direct communication, will steadily lead to deeper understanding, trust and harmony among the nations and religions of our rapidly shrinking world.  As is evidenced throughout recorded history, most wars have been attributed to the mistrust, intolerance, and fear surrounding another’s religion. As Dennis Merritt Jones observed, “Religion, who’s purpose originally was to bring people together, often has done the opposite, dividing the world and separating its people, both from another and from God.  More wars have been in the name of God than for any other reason, as one religion deemed itself the “right one”.

Increasingly, as social media unite the world’s population, whether across town or across the planet, we are given a window into another’s life, and often invited into their very soul, celebrating with them their joys, and morning with them their losses.  Once such a bond is formed, there is never again such a tendency toward mistrust and fear.  We become better equipped to look past superficial differences, whether defined by ethnicity, race or religion.  We find another human being with similar values, hopes and dreams.
As the world view testifies, and Facebook pages say, there are many paths to God or that Higher Power.  Honor and respect must be given to each person’s personal choice.  Consider the illustration of a wagon wheel showing how the various world religions relate to God.  Imagine the outer rim of the wheel as humanity with God as the center hub, and all the religions of the world being spokes running from the outer rim to the center.  While the spokes all support the outer rim, they likewise all connect to God at the center. Certainly on the surface there seem to be vast differences among the worlds faiths.
There is, however, more than Facebook and social media uniting them.  There is a “golden thread” running through all the great world religions.  Looking at the commodity of these central principles can give further understanding and answers toward ending the separation and fear humanity has long yearned to heal.  Consider the possibility that all major world religions came into existence as a direct result of their founders reaching deep within their own spiritual nature and there touching the very face of God.  Each religious leader, prophet, or holy man then deciphered these great truths and presented them in a way beneficial for the common man of their era and region.
The study of these universal principles or central threads is often called metaphysics. Metaphysics is a the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, particularly the relationship between mind and matter.  It is a study of the nonphysical laws or principles that govern the universe.   “Meta” means above or beyond, and “physical” means material or that which is experienced by the five senses.  Is is the study of God as universal life principle, all-knowing, all-powerful, in and throughout all creation – everything we see, touch, smell, hear, taste, and beyond.
Metaphysics is analogous to a generic approach to God.  It is pure spirituality without the trappings, dogma, and doctrines, which are often more about the revealer of the truth, and the many institutions formed then then the truth that holy one shared.
It is the study of the energies and forces innate to life, the common threads and principles woven into the parables and teachings of the worlds great religions. As an example of the universal nature of these truth principles, consider the GOLDEN RULE.
Below you will find how it seems in ten of the world’s religions: Buddhism = Treat not others in ways that yourself find hurtful. ~The Buddah, Udana-Varga 5.1 Christianity = In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you: for this is the law and the prophets. ~ Jesus, Matthew 7:12 Confucianism = One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct…loving-kindness.  Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. ~ Confucius, Analects 15.23
Hinduism = This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you. ~ Mahabharata 5:1517
Islam = Not one of you truly believes  until you wish for others what you wish for yourself. ~ The Prophet Muhammad, 13th of the 40 Hadiths of Nawawi Jainism = One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated. ~ Mahavira, Sutrakritanga Judaism = What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.  This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary.  Go and learn it. ~ Hillel, Talmud, Shabath Sikhism = I am stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me.  Indeed, I am a friend to all. ~ Guru Granth Sahib, pg. 1299
Taoism = Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain and your neighbor;s loss as your own loss. ~ Lao Tzu, T’ai Shang Kan Ying P’ien, 213-218
Zoroastrianism = Do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself. ~ Shayast-na-Shayast 13.29 As we further reflect on the relevance of these shared principles, let us consider that each of us also shares a portal to thatGoldenRule same truth, that same wisdom, that same God or HIgher Power.
Spirituality is defined as direct knowing of God at our center, and while it is certain that our religious founders delved deep within core waters, it is also within the capacity of each and every one of us to do the same.  Spirituality is the understanding that we live in a spiritual universe with God at the center, as well as the circumference.  In other words God is all that is; and this God is all-loving, all-giving, and the very definition of good.
It is my belief that as metaphysical principles and a spiritual approach to God become better known, understood, and applied, people will come to see the truth as not just something contained in a any certain religion, but as universal:  That truth is the very nature of God and is in and throughout all life.  And that, of course, includes each of us.
There is no more direct approach to God than that found in the heart and center of our own being.  Spiritually, then,  is practicing the awareness of God’s presence within us, and within everyone, and everything. In conclusion, I share one of my great expectations for humanity, that as we continue to grow closer through Facebook and the many social networking technologies, we also begin to look beyond the ideologies and boundaries of religious and political traditions that have held us apart, and instead soften our gaze to view the other with more compassion and understanding, honoring the sacred presence of God within them, as well.
I genuinely believe that as this unfolds the hard and sometimes violent clashes among the world’s great religions will be diminished.  What a greater gift could Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook promote in the world?”  Rev. Sandy Schwartz

Share The LOVE Globally!

Phoenix Rising

I’ve always been curious about this term so I wikipedia’d it and found this explanation below.  The idea of self reinvention, rebirth as we grow in age and wisdom is FUN think about but why is so hard “TO DO” ? Or is it?

Phoenix Rising

In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Ancient Greek φοίνιξ phóinīx) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix was later adopted as a symbol in Early Christianity. The phoenix is referenced in modern popular culture.

In his study of the phoenix, R. van der Broek summarizes, that, in the historical record, the phoenix “could symbolize renewal in general as well as the sun, Time, the Empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man, and certain aspects of Christian life”

A new friend of mine sent me this poem,which I love, so of course I’ll share it with you too.   What if we just LET GO of the old stories that don’t work for us anymore and bring in the NEW and IMPROVED version of our best selves?  I’m taking time to intentionally invest in my own ongoing make-over, mind, body and even my soul.    It’s a lot to consider doing when you break it down.   What is actually involved in changing from the inside out like the sun to begin rising and re-rising and re-rising like a stunning Phoenix anyway?

The makeover I am talking about is in the inside, in thought life that creates our realities, in finding our bigger purpose in the universe and making a difference in living your purpose.   Not as much the stylish new trendy make overs like changing hair length, color and jeans sizes.   We are all a unique masterpiece, how we value and present our Art is what I am talking about.  Beauty will naturally follow…

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.  ~ Pslams 139:14

She Let Go ~ Ernest Holmes

She let go.  Without a thought or a word, she let go.   She let go of the fear.  She let go of the judgments.  She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her.   She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons.  Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.    She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go…She didn’t search the scriptures.  She just let go.   She let go of all the memories that held her back.  She let go of all the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.   She let go of the planning and all the calculations about how to do it just right.  

She didn’t promise to let go.  She didn’t journal about it.   She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer.  She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper.   She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.  She just let go.  She didn’t analyze whether she should let go.  She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter.  She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.  She didn’t call the prayer line.  She didn’t utter one word.  She just let go.

No one was around when it happened.  There was no applause or congratulations.  No one thanked her or praised her.  No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.  There was no effort.   There was no struggle.  It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad.  It was what it was, and it is just that.

In the space of letting go, she let it all be.   A small smile came over her face.   A light breeze blew through her.   And the sun and the moon shone forevermore.”  – Ernest Holmes

I like it, I like it A LOT!   She Let Go for a Phoenix Rising!